Funders, Sponsors & Supporters
Each year we’ve tried to make the Calgary Ukrainian Festival a little bigger, a little better and a little more fun.
This would not be possible without the generous support of our funders, sponsors and supporters!.
We’d like to acknowledge the following individuals and organizations for their part in making the festival a success.

- Government of Alberta
- Government of Canada
- Coril Holdings
- Shevchenko Foundation
- Calgary Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
- Ukrainian Canadian Professional Business Association of Calgary
- Meest Corporation Inc.
- Servus Credit Union
- City of Calgary
- Calgary Sun
- Westjet
- Vitretz
- Ocean Trailer
- MLA Diana Batten
- All our performers and volunteers
Take a journey through our rich Ukrainian culture, dance, and cuisine as if
having experience travelling to Ukraine itself!
having experience travelling to Ukraine itself!