Artisan Table Request
Interested in showcasing and selling your locally crafted Ukrainian art and cultural handicrafts?
Applications for 2025 are now open!
Complete your application below!
Submit application by March 2nd, 2025
Successful artisans will be notified by March 16th, 2025
Successful artisans are required to pay in full by March 30th, 2025
Artisan table is for small scale artisans, crafters, and hobbyists. Goods for sale are not imported or mass produced. Goods for sale should generally but not necessarily be related to the spirit of the Festival – that is, Ukrainian theme in nature, dress, or decoration. Artisans wanting more space are welcome to purchase a vendor table.
Other goods will be considered at the discretion of the Calgary Ukrainian Festival Board of Directors. Factors include relationship of items for sale to Festival theme, relationship to the overall variety offered, and availability of space.
Successful Applicants will be provided with an information package.
- Tables are 2’ x 8’ standard table. At a cost of $100 per table
- Includes tables with skirting (white tops, black skirting)
- Power access (110 volt) -Available upon request
- Includes 2 Artisan Passes provided upon your arrival
SET-UP | Afternoon of Friday June 6th, 2025
The Artisan set-up and take-down schedules will be provided to artisans as soon as logistics details are finalized. All artisans must comply with the schedules as set.
FESTIVAL HOURS | Saturday June 7th & Sunday June 8th, 2025
The Calgary Ukrainian Festival takes place on the Saturday and Sunday. All artisans are required to provide their services for the entire length of the festival. The festival operating hours will be provided to artisans as soon as the details are finalized.
TAKEDOWN | Evening of Sunday June 8th, 2025
The artisan set-up and take-down schedules will be provided to artisans as soon as logistics details are finalized. All artisans must comply with the schedules as set.
- Applying to be an Artisan does not guarantee a space at the Festival. Acceptance or rejection of applications by the Calgary Ukrainian Festival Board of Directors (Festival Board) is final. Factors include relationship of items for sale to Festival theme, relationship to the overall variety offered, and availability of space.
- Goods for sale should generally but not necessarily be related to the spirit of the Festival – that is, Ukrainian theme in nature, dress, or decorations. Other goods will be considered at the discretion of the Festival Board.
- The Calgary Ukrainian Festival is a family-oriented event, the sales of any kind of harmful, illegal, or offensive items or services are prohibited. The decision of the Festival Board is final.
- Artisan Tables will be assigned by the Festival Board taking several variables into consideration. The Festival Board cannot guarantee space location; however, an artisan may request a certain location for consideration.
- The artisan contract is a limited license to use the Festival site for the purpose of doing business as approved by the Festival Board as submitted in the application. The artisan may occupy only the space that has been specifically allotted to them. There shall be no subletting, re-assigning, or transferring of the rental space to a third party. At no time will electrical services used in the booth exceed the capacity of the power provided to that space.
- Artisans shall provide their own sufficient workforce to assist them. Festival volunteers will not be permitted to assist in physical moving of artisan inventory. Artisans shall comply with the set-up and take-down schedules.
- Extension cords, lights, props, etc. are the responsibility of the artisan, which shall be confined to the space rented.
- The Festival Board reserves the right to limit NOISE, LIGHTING, or anything else that distracts from the spirit of the Festival. As a good neighbour, each booth artisan shall avoid blocking the view of a neighbouring booth. The Festival Board reserves the right to cancel a artisan’s contract if conduct is deemed consistently or extremely offensive.
- The Artist shall have someone in the booth during all business hours. The facility will be locked during non-business hours.
- All Artisans shall wear an Artisan identification badge during festival hours. Identification badges will be provided upon arrival. The use of designated entrances/exits by Artisans will only be permitted if a valid Artisan ID is presented.
- The Artisan shall be liable for any damage caused to the facility or props by the Artisan.
- The Artisan shall be responsible for any insurance for their merchandise. Artisans may need to provide documentation if requested to do so. Copy of insurance documentation indicating liability coverage at the Calgary Ukrainian Festival may also be requested prior to festival.
- Artisans, their representatives, agents, and employees will comply with all general rules and regulations prescribed by the Festival Board. The artisan certifies that this information will be properly and completely communicated to its associates to ensure complete compliance.
- Neither the Artisan nor the Calgary Ukrainian Festival will be held liable for failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement where such breach is due to any of the following: acts or regulations of public authorities, labour difficulties or strike, inclement weather, epidemic, interruption, or delay of transportation service, acts of God, or any other legitimate cause beyond the reasonable control of the performer and the Calgary Ukrainian Festival.
- The Calgary Ukrainian Festival and the Artisan agree to perform their obligations under this Agreement, in all respects, in good faith.
By submitting an Artisan Application, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Terms of the Agreement as outlined above.
If selected as a artisan, I will abide by these Terms.
having experience travelling to Ukraine itself!